First full week of term, 96% attendance with five classes over 99%
Which class, or classes, will have the best attendance this week? Which children will be the most punctual?
Our school target is 96%. This week: 95.7% Rounded to the nearest ten, 96%
Classes with the best attendance this week:
Riddell class 99.5%, rounded to the nearest ten 100%
Almond, Sachar, Seuss and Morpurgo classes 99.2%, rounded to the nearest ten 99%
Attendance for year groups:
Rec: 94.2%
Year 1: 93.0%
Year 2: 95.6%
Year 3: 96.0%
Year 4: 97.9%
Year 5: 93.3%
Year 6: 99.2%