At their AGM, Friends of Kender agreed a new constitution; it's here for you to read.
At their AGM, Friends of Kender agreed a new constitution; it's here for you to read. Next step is planning for the Winter fair, which takes place on Saturday 9th December. Mums, dads and Friends of Kender be sure to sign up to help on the day.
Also...each class will be producing a hamper to raffle at the Fair. Please send us items for inclusion.
You could send in:
jam, tinned fruit, bottles of drink, colouring books, note books, packet of biscuits, chutneys, perfumes, bubble bath, small games, toys…anything that a family might enjoy winning! If each child could bring in at least one item there will be some fabulous hampers for you to win! There will be a prize for the class that brings in the best collection!!!
Let’s get collecting! You will be able to buy tickets for the raffle at the Winter Fair.