Our School Improvement category for 2018/19.
I am pleased to share our School Improvement category for 2018/19. Each year Lewisham Learning analyses the performance data for Kender school and together with our own self-evaluation arrives at a judgement. This year our SI category is green. Below is a section from the letter written to the Headteacher and the Chair of Governors.
The full letter is available too.
Although we will not have a School Improvement visit this year we are making excellent use of our own independent School Improvement Advisor as well as full participation in the SSAT Peer Review process.
Confirmation of school category 2018/19
I am writing to confirm with you that the School Improvement category for your school this academic year is green.
Thank you for returning your self-evaluation which was most helpful in confirming this. As a green school Lewisham Learning will not make a school improvement visit to your school this year.
It is good to note that you are still involved in a peer review process. We would very much welcome any reports from this process being shared with us over the year to help inform our future categorisation process next summer.