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  • Resilience



    Kenderbury 2019

    First, save the date! Friday 28thJune is Kenderbury, from 5.30 to 8.00pm

    Dear Mums, Dads and carers,

    Friends of Kender are organising lots of events over the next half-term. Please look out for Tweets, tables on the playground and messages from your child or children.

    First, save the date! Friday 28thJune is Kenderbury, from 5.30 to 8.00pm

    Tickets will go on sale on Monday 10thJune and will be sold in the playground – adults £2.00, children £1.00 and a family ticket for £6 (families of five and over).

    If you can help us make this an amazing event please complete the slip attached to this letter. The more parents can help the more we will enjoy this evening. Go on, you know you want to help!!!

    If you can play a musical instrument and would like to be part of the entertainment please let us know by signing the slip. 

    We are asking for donationsfor the tombola stalls. Please start sending in items, each class will have a box for all donations. Perhaps you could have clear out over half-term and spare items could be brought in. Things you could donate might include:


    packets of food


    small items


    items of clothing you no longer want  – there will be a fashion stall at Kenderbury

    If you know of local business that might wish to run a stall or offer donationsplease let us know by calling the office and informing us about what they could donate or ad to the event.