As you know we are following the advice given by the DfE as to how to manage the risks presented by the current outbreak. DfE advice is that no school should close unless advised to do so by Public Health England.
We have also consulted them specifically with regard to school trips planned and are advised that these should go ahead as normal.
Current advice is that there is no need to keep your children at home to avoid infection but we will of course monitor the situation and let you know if this advice changes. We are advised that non-attendance to avoid infection at school should be marked as unauthorised.
We are reminding children regularly about hand washing, have put posters with pictures up in the toilets for them to follow and hold specific assemblies reminding children about the methods to ensure that their hands are properly clean.
Please refine from sending your child in with hand sanitiser as this is counter productive when being passed to other children.
School will be operating as usual unless we are advised otherwise by the Department of Education.
Please refrain from sending your child in with hand sanitiser as they tend not to apply the sanitiser in a controlled manner.