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    Website Guide- for parents

    A friendly website guide for parents starting from the home page.

    The school website is regularly updated so parents can have important dates for their diaries. i.e. Inset day, term dates, parents evenings etc.

    On the home page you will see the icons below if you click on an icon it will take you straight to the page you require. Can't find what you're looking for? Just click on the search icon, type a word which relates to what you would like to access and press enter; it will bring up anything relating to that word. 

    We do hope this informations is useful not only for parents, but for prospective parents as well. 

    If you need to contact the school, please call 020 7639-4654 option 1, or send an email to office@kender.lewisham.sch.ukAbsence calls must be left on option 2 when calling to let us know your child will not be in school. Please clearly state your child's name, class and reason for absence.