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Half-term sports camp

We are writing to you today to invite you to our October Half Term Holiday Camp. We are HW School Skills, and we run the PE and After-School Sports Coaching providers at Kender. Your children will be familiar with coach Ryan, who will be running the camp this October. 

We are writing to you today to invite you to our October Half Term Holiday Camp. We are HW School Skills, and we run the PE and After-School Sports Coaching providers at Kender. Your children will be familiar with coach Ryan, who will be running the camp this October. 

The camp will from Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October and will mirror the normal school day from 9:00AM to 3:30PM at Kender Primary School.
The camp is available for Year Groups 1 to 6.
The price of the camp is £12.00 per day. 

Daily Schedule 

9-10am                        Activity 1 e.g. Basketball
10 - 10:15am               Snack
10:15- 11:15am           Activity 2 e.g. Gymnastics 

11:15- 12pm                Activity 3 e.g. Street Dance 

12-12:30pm                 Lunch
12:30-1:30pm              Tournament 1 e.g. Football 

1:30-2pm                     Snack
2-3:30                          Tournament 2 e.g. Netball