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Welcome to Remote Learning

A video message from Mr Barr

Mr Barr has complied a video message today 15th July 2020.  We have also placed the Early Years Summer Stories and Meet your new teacher on the link below. 

Stay inside, be safe and remain fit and well. Best wishes to you all and have a great summer. This will be the last video this academic year. 


Senior Leaders met with Governors this week to outline our plans for further opening for pupils. There are articles on the website, letters (see link below) have been emailed with accompanying text messages and there are Tweets steering you to all the essential information.

We will not reopen to nursery, reception and Y1 children until September because Governors felt that the risks involved to both our children and our staff were currently too high. Please see the school website for more detailed information. 

School will be closed on Monday 1st June for an INSET day.

Click here to see a letter to parents regarding an update on the school status

School remains open next (Tuesday to Friday) week for the children who have been attending since March 23rd.  Letters have been sent to the children and families who will be attending school from Tuesday 2nd June onwards.

If you are able to keep your child at home, you should.


We appreciate that this is a concerning time and we will do our best to support and guide you and your families.  We are concerned about all of your health and wellbeing and if you need support over the coming months please contact the school.  

You may also find this website useful if you are having difficulty talking to your children about Covid 19. 

Children may also like to watch the video below: 'The Kids' Guide to Coronavirus'.


Learning for all classes is now available using Showbie. If you have not already signed up click below.

Click here to sign up to Showbie

Whilst at home it is important to keep to a routine.  At the beginning of the day talk with your child about what they are going to do that day.  The recommended time for home learning is 2 hours. It is best to split this time into chunks and ensure your child has a break.   

We would also like children to create a homework project for our whole school summer project. Please see below for more details about this. 


Below is a suggested timetable for your child's  learning. If your child wants to spend more than 20 minutes on each activity then that is great.  They could spend the morning focusing on English and Maths and then in the afternoon spend time on topic work please also see our suggestions for other activities you can do at home. 

20 min reading
20 min English (See your child's year group link below)
20 min maths (See your child's year group link below)
20 min Mathletics / Literacy Planet
20 + 20 minutes optional: Science, topic, art…

Children in Nursery and Reception are not expected to focus on one activity for 20 minutes- please do the activities provided on Showbie or for however long they can focus for. You can then take a quick break and return to it later. Young children will concentrate much better with frequent breaks.

Guide to using the website

  • To find learning for your child - log in to Showbie.
  • There are also various links to a variety of learning websites that can be used (see below).
  • Each child will be given a home learning pack and an exercise book to record their learning in.
  • Please see attached documents below for more ideas of keeping your child entertained.

Attached is:

  1. Health and Wellbeing Newsletter
  2. Whole School Project details
  3. Summer Term Year group topics
  4. Ideas to keep your child entertained 
  5. How to talk to your child about Covid 19
  6. Free online books 
  7. Free daily live workouts for kids at home 

Art of the Week

A new feature for the website. Ms. McCaffrey, our fantastic Art Teacher, has put together a small audio recording for 'Art of the Week'. It will be updated regularly. Enjoy! 

Just click here to access the latest Art of the Week video.



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


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Well Being message from Ms Jeffery - This week 18-22nd May is mental health awareness week. The theme is Kindness.   I made this video 2 weeks ago in week 7 of lock down, sorry it is late! Look after yourselves and be kind!