Dear Mums, Dads and Carers
This is not the letter I would have hoped to write at the beginning of a new year and I very much regret the upset that has been caused by the confusion surrounding the opening of primary schools in London. Nonetheless, happy New Year to all our children and their families and we wish you all a happy and healthy year to come. I would like to thank all our parents and carers for the support you have shown during this very challenging period and for your patience and good humour.
You will I hope have had a chance to collect your child’s iPad to support their remote learning. This comes with all the apps your child will need to access the remote learning (primarily Showbie) and this should remove any issues you may have had with logins.
If you have not had a chance to collect the iPad today, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment to do so.
We are aiming to follow the school day as closely as we can. We are expecting that all children will be logging in to Showbie for their lessons from 09.00am each day so that they are in a routine. There will be clear expectations for the day’s learning and your child is expected to be able to complete this the same day. Children in Y3-Y6 will be set work that they should be able to complete without adult support. If you have any comments or queries on the learning, please email your child’s teacher directly and they will be happy to help you.
We will have contacted all the children we believe are entitled to be in school either as their parents are key workers or they are vulnerable by the end of the day. Gates will open at 08.45 and will close at 09.05 as previously and children should use the following gates:
Y1 – Kender Street
Y2/3 – Briant Street
Y4/5 – Faulkner Street
Y6 – main entrance
Nursery and reception children will now both be based in our nursery and should use that entrance to drop and collect. Children should wear school uniform.
Lunch will be provided as usual and should be paid for via Arbor. Please consult the school website and Twitter for updates.
Best wishes
Keith Barr