At the heart of the English curriculum offer at Kender Primary is the determination to empower all children to develop a love of reading and writing.
To achieve this, we will ensure that the teaching of English is a co-ordinated and collaborative approach managed under four key areas:
Phonics, Reading, Writing and Diversity.
In September 2023 we established an English Team to develop, enhance and monitor the teaching and learning of English. The English Team works in conjunction with senior leaders and other subject leaders to create a model of effective and efficient school improvement.
Key milestones have already been achieved and can be seen below, these include revisions and updates to the teaching of Handwriting and Phonics - policies can be accessed here.
Leaders have been working towards the school becoming a Writing for Pleasure school. This process started in 2022/23 and is in its second full year. Children across all years groups have just published their Poetry Writing for Autumn#1.
A Writing Residency Week is scheduled for Monday 18th November.
Further next steps are planned:
Policies for Reading, Writing and an updated curriculum statement for English will be presented to governors in January 2025 at the Standards and Curriculum committee.