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We aim to…

History is a fascinating, exciting and vital part of a child’s learning journey. We hope that children leave Kender with a rich understanding of where they came from and who and what has shaped their past and present.

Children will develop skills that are transferable to other areas of the curriculum. These are:  how to ask and answers questions, research using a range of resources, debate and discuss, analyse, think critically, develop their own perspective, form a coherent argument, develop a sense of agency and power in their community, country and the world.

Understanding history requires a deep level of thinking. Children will learn that they cannot always accept the evidence that is put before them that every historical artefact and source can be interpreted in different ways and only when we have the facts can we truly make an accurate historical judgement.

Children will experience history in a range of ways; through stories, enquiry, trips to museums, historical sights, visitors, local area, looking at primary and secondary resources. These experiences will enhance and develop a love of the past and will help children develop an understanding of themselves and how the past effects the present and how we as individuals can change history. The skills they will learn will help them to navigate their futures by understanding an awareness of the human journey through time.

(See curriculum overview for Implementation and Impact)