Mathematics is all around us; it is an important part of the world in which we live and to function in society we need to be able to think and communicate mathematically.
At Kender, we want children to become enthusiastic, resilient, creative and confident mathematicians. Building a solid understanding of the foundations of Maths is essential to building skill in problem solving both within and beyond the mathematical world. Mastery is a journey, and we are confident that by breaking down the curriculum into manageable steps and mastering the fundamentals of numbers, we can free up our students' working memory to tackle more complex concepts.
It is our aim that the Kender Mathematics curriculum ensures that:
At Kender we follow the White Rose Scheme of Learning ( The core of the White Rose Maths is the maths mastery approach which focuses on depth of understanding rather than acceleration, ensuring that key concepts are grasped before moving on. This scheme provides sequential blocks of learning for the whole year for each year group. It is used to support planning from Nursery to Year 6.
Children also are explicitly taught fluency skills which builds their number sense and knowledge of timetables.
Our calculation policy for the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) is attached. This outlines the methods that children use in school to effectively and efficiently solve calculations. You can use this document to help support your child at home!
Times table Rockstars
The website/app Times Table Rockstars ( is a favourite with the children. They can customise their rock avatar before using online games to deepen their understanding of times tables and develop quick recall of times table facts. Every child has a log in provided by the school.
At the end of Year 4 children have a Multiplication Tables Check test so using TTRs really helps them to learn them quickly. Quick recall of times tables helps across the maths curriculum.
Other useful websites include:
Numbots is a highly engaging website/app
for helping children to understand number and learn to add and subtract. It helps them develop understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. Every child has a log in provided by the school.
1 Minute Maths App
This app helps children build greater confidence and fluency in one minute chunks. It is particularly useful for Reception and Key Stage 1 children but may also support some older children. The children do not need a log in.
Maths at Home
Encourage your child to be positive about Maths. Try not to say ‘I can’t do Maths’ or ‘I hated Maths at school’.
Point out Maths in every day life