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Religious Education


We aim to…

At Kender we use the Lewisham Agreed Syllabus for RE. Our INTENT for RE is to use a range of strategies to allow children to think and consider the big questions that the RE curriculum brings and link these to British values.  We aim to ensure that all thinking and reflection time is purposeful and leads to deeper learning. To ensure that this happens, we are mindful of thinking and reflection when planning units of work that consider big questions. (See skills document. These skills are progressive and are taught in the context of each year’s RE topic.)
Our primary school curriculum works with the SACRE(Standing Advisory councils on Religious Education) agreed syllabus for Lewisham, and it aims to challenge children to learn about a range of religions and non-religious world-views whilst also considering the big questions of life. At our school we want to ensure that our children go out into the world with the knowledge and skills to understand the beliefs of others and live in peace and with respect in today’s diverse and ever-changing world. Our curriculum plans aim to give our children the opportunities to learn about and from religion and non-religious world-views in a variety of ways. For example, through trips to places of worship, visitors of religious interests, art, music, drama and dance, as well as through discussion and more formal writing opportunities.  We follow the enquiry approach and have celebration assemblies for key religious festivals.

(See curriculum overview for Implementation and Impact)