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Page 14

  • 13/09/19

    Meet the teacher

    Meet your child's new teacher: Tuesday, 3.30 to 4.00pm Years 1 to 3; Year 4 to 6, Thursday 3.30 to 4.00pm.
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  • 23/07/19

    Back to school...

    Tuesday 3rd September is the first day of the new school year.
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  • 23/07/19

    Year Six prom

    Thursday 18th July 2019: year six enjoyed the annual prom as part of their leaving celebrations.
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  • 08/07/19

    Sports Day

    Our sports day will take place on Tuesday 16thJuly at Goldsmith’s University. It will take place over half a day (KS1 in the morning and KS2 in the afternoon).
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  • 21/06/19


    Next week, the weather forecast is predicting sunshine all week!!!
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  • 21/06/19

    Kenderbury is on!!!

    Tickets will be on sale in the playground until Friday morning next week – adults £2.00, children £1.00 and a family ticket for £6 (families of five and over). The more parents can help the more we will enjoy this evening. Go on, you know you want to help!!!
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  • 14/06/19

    Briant Street Gate

    For reasons of safety, from Monday we must amend the times we close the Briant Street gate. 
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  • 24/05/19

    PE kit sale

    There will be a sale of spare PE t-shirts on Monday 3rdJune.
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  • 24/05/19

    Kenderbury 2019

    First, save the date! Friday 28thJune is Kenderbury, from 5.30 to 8.00pm
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  • 25/04/19

    New Premises Manager

    Our new Premises Manager, Tom Slack, started work at Kender over the Easter break.
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