Afro Hair exhibition comes to Kender
Afro Hair exhibition comes to Kender:
Afro Hair exhibition comes to Kender:
The Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust School Health Service is committed to the health and improvement of children by promoting positive attitude towards good health and ensuring they have access to a dedicated and response service. We would like to thank you for your support over the years in facilitating our services to the children, young people and their families in your school.
We are inviting parents to complete the Health Need Assessment (HNA form) for ALL RECEPTION children. The questionnaire is an opportunity to have child’s health and development reviewed at school entry. This information is very useful for our services, so we can support in the management of health conditions for all children attending your school- by drawing care plans and offering relevant training. With the unique link to your school for parents with children in RECEPTION only to access the Health Needs Assessment (HNA) portal- please forward this in word format and not PDF, so parents can just click on the link without having to re-type it into their search browser.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please see attached an opt-out letter for the Hearing and Vision Test for Reception and Year 1 Children. Please only complete this form if you do not want your child to take part in the screening.
Please return your opt-out form to the school or email Screening and Universal Team on
Calling all Latin American and Spanish families at Kender to attend a coffee morning with Dr James Gilsenan who is our Educational Psychologist which also speaks Spanish.
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations on Sunday 5th June 2022
Some of our children have been selected to take part in the Kid’s choir Mayor’s Thames Festival. This year is a very special year as we have been invited to take part in the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations on Sunday 5th June 2022. This will be the first event of the festival. Information on the second event will be available in September, but please save this date if your child has been selected: 11th September 2022. If your child is in year 6, they will not take part in the September performance.
It is Comic Relief this Friday, 18th March
We are raising money for the charity who this year is using the funds to help people live free from poverty, violence and discrimination. They are also supporting organisations who are helping people right now in Ukraine, and those attempting to cross the border.
Gooddies (Kender uniform suppliers) are offering 5% off all uniform purchase if you order between 16th May until 15th June 2022 ready for September 2022.
Friends of Kender (FOK) are organising a raffle to fund our future outdoor library. We are calling on all our parents for help!
Dear Parents and Carers,
This year we are celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday 9th March (which is different to the national date!). The theme for our school is going to be ‘Our Class Author’. As we have not been able to celebrate together for a few years, we are going to make sure the children really enjoy this year’s World Book Day!
One of the best parts of World Book Day is when the children dress up as characters from their favourite books. It would be great if this year the children’s costumes wear one of the characters from books written by their class author.
Your child’s class author is:
Rec Nick Sharratt
Rec Trish Cooke
Y1 Julia Donaldson
Y1 Shirley Hughes
Y2 Atinuke
Y2 Judith Kerr
Y3 Joseph Coelho
Y3 Ken Max
Y4 Benjamin Zephaniah
Y4 Jacqueline Wilson
Y5 Onjali Q Raúf
Y5 Polly Ho-Yen
Y6 David Almond
Y6 Malorie Blackman
We are really looking forward to seeing who walks into school on Thursday 9th March!
Dear Parents/Carers
I am excited to announce we are open for recruitment for the Being a Parent-Enjoying Family Life groups starting w/c 25th April 2022. We are looking for 34 more parents who may be struggling with their emotional wellbeing and worried about their child’s (aged 2-11 years) behaviour.
Groups will be run in person and online over 9-10 weeks for ~2 hours and cover topics such as managing stress, positive parenting, play and communication.
We also have some new advertisement resources, including our YouTube videos: and a new study website which can be shared with parents:
We have received positive feedback so far from the parents involved in the study, and we really appreciate all your help in sharing information with parents at your schools to promote the study. We really could not reach as many parents as we have without you.
Interested parents can sign up using the following link: or contact me at this email address:
Ellie Baker- She/her/hers
Research Coordinator- Being a Parent-Enjoying Family Life study.
PhD student & Psychology PhD Student Rep.
Department of Psychology| Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience | King’s College London
Honorary Assistant Psychologist
Centre for Parent and Child Support| South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
There will be another Flu catch up clinic this Saturday, 29 January. Please see details below and letter attached