Friday 22nd October 2021
Dear Mums, Dads and Carers,
Half-term break: Next week, I hope you will have time to rest, rest and get some more rest. The children have been working incredibly hard and need to rest before the next half-term.
By way of a reminder, school re-opens on Monday 1st November, usual time, usual gates, yet, a slight change to the timings…
School Gates: all gates remain the same next term. With one significant change: the school should start properly at 9.00am, so from Monday 1st November the gates will close at 9.00am.
After 9.00am your child will be late and should come round to the main entrance. There is enough time for your child to arrive at school on time as all gates will be open from 8.45am. Your child will only need to sign in on our entry system if they arrive after 9.10am.
Hand Washing: please ensure your child comes to school with their hands washed ready for the school day. We are trying to maximise the learning time in school and are reducing the amount of time children spend washing their hands from after half-term.
School Street: Faulkner Street will become an official School Street from Monday 1st November and the new barriers will be installed next week.
Assemblies: these will start again after half-term. We are delighted to inform parents that Father Grant will come into school on a Wednesday to be in an assembly with children in KS2; these assemblies focus on school values and strength of community and are not part of the RE curriculum.
Squid Game: I am aware that this is a popular television programme and one that is receiving some attention in the media and on the internet. I stress this is not suitable viewing for primary aged children. No child attending Kender Primary school should be watching, seeing or talking about Squid Game.
PE Kits: please check the school website for the full Kender PE Kit. Please ensure your child brings their kit on a Monday and leaves it in school for the full week.
Parent Governor: one of our Parent Governors, Leanne Hennessy’s term of office is coming to an end this half-term. Leanne is more than willing to stand again. However, if there are other parents who would like to put themselves forward for the role of Parent Governor please contact the school office. Deadline for this is Friday 5th November.
The Illuminated Art Trail: we are planning an event for staff, children and parents to take part in together. This art is located near to the South Bank and looks interesting and would be fun to see. Put this date in your diary: Saturday 27th November; meeting at 3.30pm.
Please look out for the posters and information on the school website.
Attendance: much lower this week….so many children unwell at the end of term!
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Yr 6 |
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The Friends Of Kender:
Next event will be a Cake sale on Friday 22nd October 2021. We are counting on you to donate cakes or simply come and enjoy a slice with us!
Our PTA is always welcoming new parents and ideas - get in touch:
See you on the 22nd!
Joanne Fuller
Chairperson, Friends Of Kender
Dates on the horizon:
Saturday 27th November: Walk the Illuminated Art Trail, put the date in your diary
Tuesday 30th November & Thursday 2nd December: Parents’ Evening meetings
First week in November:
Lewisham Learning visit, Tuesday 2nd November, am.
Wishing you all a relaxing, restful and enjoyable half-term break.
With thanks,
Mr Barr.