The Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust School Health Service is committed to the health and improvement of children by promoting positive attitude towards good health and ensuring they have access to a dedicated and response service. We would like to thank you for your support over the years in facilitating our services to the children, young people and their families in your school.
We are inviting parents to complete the Health Need Assessment (HNA form) for ALL RECEPTION children. The questionnaire is an opportunity to have child’s health and development reviewed at school entry. This information is very useful for our services, so we can support in the management of health conditions for all children attending your school- by drawing care plans and offering relevant training. With the unique link to your school for parents with children in RECEPTION only to access the Health Needs Assessment (HNA) portal- please forward this in word format and not PDF, so parents can just click on the link without having to re-type it into their search browser.
We are now inviting parents/guardians to complete this questionnaire via this quick and easy process:
Please click on this link to access the HNA form: :
Here’s a video on how the HNA portal works:
Many thanks,
Rithar Eshun
Lewisham School Health