The curriculum at Kender Primary School aims to:
Our curriculum is underpinned by the framework of knowledge, skills and understanding outlined in the National Curriculum 2014. By teaching the core subjects of English, Maths and Science within the context of topic themes we create a coherent, stimulating and engaging curriculum. Non-core subjects, including Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, Geography and History are also taught within these themes too, providing context and encouraging deeper learning and understanding.
Our termly topics are introduced through ‘Wow Starts’ to engage and excite pupils immediately in the theme and are concluded with ‘Wow Events’ that help children to develop their speaking and listening skills and share their learning in a meaningful way with their families. We host an annual exhibition at the end of our whole school Summer Project.
We also specialise in some areas of the wider curriculum, and actively promote school sport, music and art.
We offer a wide range of sporting opportunities including:
We engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music. Currently, children learn musicality in year one, samba drumming in Year 2, ukulele in Year 4 and upper Key Stage 2 participate in a musical project with the Multi-Story Orchestra. Small group tuition is available for: guitar, saxophone, flute, drum kit drumming and recorder. At the end of each year we celebrate children’s learning at Kenderbury.
We have a specialist Art teacher who enhances children’s creativity through different media enhanced by local art community projects and in partnership with the South London Gallery, Bold Tendencies and British Council.
We contribute to children’s life skills and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development through experiences within the classroom and beyond. These opportunities include: Forest School, residential trips, making links with businesses, participating in sporting events and educational visits - including to places of worship.
Our involvement with the Opal Play Project – recognised nationally - and our school play philosophy encourages creativity, emotional and social development, independence and risk taking amongst our pupils.
Through a positive and caring ethos and meaningful curriculum, we provide the opportunity for every child strive to reach their full potential, becoming successful citizens.