The National Curriculum currently designates core subjects of English, Mathematics and Information and Communication Technology. Learning through ICT permeates all curriculum areas. There are tests or assessments at the end of each key stage (years 2 and 6).
The school teaches the Foundation subjects and RE. Teaching methods are appropriate to the Key Stage and the age of the pupils ensuring progression and continuity.
Children are encouraged to become good listeners, confident speakers, fluent readers and successful and lively writers. Drama aids the delivery of the curriculum and this area is also supported by the school library.
Children are taught to become competent and confident mathematicians. They will develop and extend their problem solving skills in a wide variety of contexts.
Through science we understand the world around us and we learn the processes and strategies of investigation and discovery. In their studies children explore materials, physical forces and the natural world. Children develop the skills to hypothesise, predict and draw conclusions.
There is access to ICT resources in all the classrooms including the nursery. Children have access to a variety of software in all curriculum areas. The school is linked to the Internet and children are taught to access relevant information.
These are History, Geography, Technology, Art, Music and PE. Through these subjects children broaden their skills, deepen their knowledge and understanding and learn to express their feelings in new contexts. All children are taught to use technology safely and responsibly.
All the children in the school participate in a daily assembly; the times and settings vary depending on the age group. By law at least half of these assemblies must be broadly Christian in content. However we want our pupils to have respect and understanding for all beliefs and cultures that make up our society and our assemblies reflect this. Parents have the option to advise the school that they do not want their child to participate in these events and those children who are withdrawn will be engaged in meaningful, supervised activities.
All curriculum areas are supported by schemes of work that are available for parents to look at on request.
All curriculum areas and themes are supported by the Kender Curriculum Overview and schemes of work. These are available for parents to look at on request.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship and religious education.
Parents also have the right to withdraw their child from sex education, but not from teaching the biological aspects of human growth and reproduction necessary under National Curriculum Science.
Sex education is an integral part of our PSHE curriculum and is taught within a moral framework that is sensitive to the needs and beliefs of all pupils and their parents/carers.
At levels appropriate to the age and ability of the children, we aim to:
The full policy is available to parents on request. Parents may contact any member of the teaching staff to discuss the policy or programme of sex education.
The sex education builds on the work covered in the Key Stage 2 science curriculum where discussions relating to sex education arise as part of a National Curriculum. The Governors review the policy every [three years] and the governors will accept the professional judgement of the Headteacher regarding the discussion as long as it conforms to school policy.
Requests for withdrawal from sex education must be made in advance to the Headteacher. Parents will be informed in advance of sex education lessons (in Year 5) and given an opportunity to view the material used.