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  • Resilience



    Outings and Visits

    Kender Primary School acknowledges the great value of educational visits in broadening and enhancing both the learning and social experience of young people. Children go on a variety of school visits whilst they are pupils at Kender and ideally visits will support the work in the classroom and should be at least one per half term.

    We try to arrange a variety of trips to support the curriculum and to stimulate the children, consequently these trips are not optional. We do try to keep costs to a minimum and may ask for contributions towards these costs as without your contributions we would not be able to support as many outings as we do.

    We occasionally also require the help of parents on visits and trips. Please inform your child’s class teacher if you are available. Please note that all adults helping on trips will need to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service disclosure form.

    Charging and Remissions

    The school relies on voluntary contributions from parents and carers to pay for outings, trips and visits so that the children can have the opportunity to visit places of interest, (theatres, art galleries, libraries and museums) or go on residential school journeys. No child will be excluded from these events if a family is unable to pay. Parents and carers should discuss their situation with the Headteacher if necessary.

    Damage/Loss of Equipment

    There is no charge for equipment provided for activities during school hours. The school may seek contributions from parents towards the cost of repairing damaged or lost school equipment, including books, where this has been a result of misbehaviour or carelessness.