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  • Resilience



    Physical Education

    P.E., Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics and Sports all feature as key components of the Kender Curriculum. The promotion and leadership of health and well-being is vital to ensure children’s opportunities to learn through physical activity are embedded. All children have access to swimming lessons and the school is proud of its achievements in this important area of learning. We have developed a good working relationship with a local secondary school to enable swimming teaching to happen every week.

    Our annual Sports Day happens on the sports field at Goldsmiths University, balancing competitive racing and team participation.

    The introduction of House Teams has been a real success, supporting healthy competition within school. Participation in wider well-being events includes: Sports Relief; Greenwich 2k; Lewisham Football league; locally organised Athletics competitions; and mini-marathons.

    Sports teams at Kender have a long tradition of excellent sporting attitudes and considerable success. Information on our PE and sports premium can be found here

    Please find our PE Policy and curriculum overview below.

    To ensure that the children receive high quality PE teaching, we use HW School Skills who provide us with an expert coach who teaches PE during PPA time. (For more information visit the HWSS website)