The National Curriculum programmes of study are statutory documents provided by the DfE. These documents dictate the planning and teaching of the core subjects; English - Reading, writing, SPAG. Mathematics and Science. These subjects form part of the statutory SAT tests that children take in year 6. Children no longer take SATS in KS1, this has been replaced with the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA).
The National Curriculum programmes of study in History, Geography, RE, MFL, Music, DT, Art and Design, PE, RSHE, Computing are used as a starting point for our curriculum design. In some subjects we use schemes of work that enhance the teaching and learning. For example, we use Kapow for Music and DT, Lewisham agreed syllabus for RE, Royal geographical association - Geography, Historical association - History, You, Me and RSHE.
Subjects leaders plot progression in skills and knowledge to ensure that children are building on previous learning in their subjects. Subject leaders have a good knowledge of the national curriculum and use this knowledge when planing their curriculum coverage. This knowledge is shared with teachers during staff meetings and planning sessions.
All curriculum areas are supported by policy documents and schemes of work that are available on the website.