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  • Resilience





    We aim to…

    We live in an increasingly scientific and technological age involving challenges such as an acute climate crisis and recent global pandemic, as well as accelerated developments in technology. Consequently, children need to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to prepare them for life in the 21st century.
    We at Kender Primary School believe that the teaching of science develops in children an interest, curiosity and sense of responsibility for the world in which they live and fosters in them a respect for the environment.
    As a result of our science teaching, we want to develop children who:

    • are able to keep up with the increasingly scientific and technological age we live in;
    • are observant, curious and wish to care for and improve our environment for themselves and others;
    • are future thinking and understanding that science is a tool to help change the world for the better;
    • view science as an enjoyable experience;
    • can work individually and cooperatively, listening to and valuing the opinions of others;
    • are able to relate science to everyday life and appreciate its contribution, both in the present and historically, to our society and other cultures; • appreciate the nature of science and the importance of collecting evidence.

    Furthermore, pupils will develop, through practical work, the skills of observation, prediction, investigation, interpretation, communication, questioning and hypothesising, and gain increased expertise in precise measurement skills and ICT.

    (See Curriculum for implementation and impact)