Schools are given Pupil Premium funding of £1455 per pupil recorded as Ever6 FSM to be spent on educational provision within the school raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their potential. Money is allocated for children whose families are registered for FSM. This includes any child that has been registered for FSM at any stage during the past six years.
Each school must report to Governors and inspectors on how PPF is spent and its effectiveness in driving improvement.
Objectives in spending PPF are to ensure that:
Please see below the breakdown of how we have spent our funding:
Speech and Language therapy |
9,000 |
Learning mentor support |
21,040 |
HLTA support |
32,000 |
AHT support (pro rata) | 10,000 |
ART teacher support (pro rata) | 10,000 |
PiXL |
2,500 |
Intervention HLTA |
12,000 |
Booster classes |
9,200 |
School Journey financial support |
4,500 |
Pupil Welfare Officer |
25,500 |
Admin release costs |
1,500 |
Children’s therapist |
12,200 |
Staff training for interventions |
15,000 |
SLAs: Drumbeat, SpLD, Ed Psych, Attendance and Welfare, New Woodlands |
19,060 |
Secondary School Ready fund |
3,440 |
Subsidies for breakfast/afterschool clubs, school trip |
500 |
HeyDay film projects | 3960 |
Total grant: |
191.400 |
Here you can find our Pupil premium Policy. This will be updated in Spring 2026.