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    Catch-Up Premium

    Covid-19 ‘Catch-up’

    In June 2020, a £1 billion fund for education was announced by the government. Further guidance has now been released showing that the money is split between a catch-up premium and a national tutoring scheme.

    The catch-up premium is funded on a per pupil basis at £80 per pupil. This will be based on the previous year’s census and does not include Nursery numbers, meaning we are predicting Kender Primary School will be in receipt of £31,760 (397 x £80). We have so far this financial year received £18,000. The spending of this money will be down to schools to allocate as they see best. To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation has published a support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch-up for all students.

    At Kender Primary School, this money will be used in order to provide:

    • Curriculum resources and materials that support “catch-up” and mental health of pupils.
    • Additional support staff to develop the outcomes of children who have been identified as needing “catch-up” in their learning.

    There are two broad aims for “catch-up” at Kender Primary School:

    • Attainment outcomes at end of 2020-21 for all year groups will be at least in line or better than national standards.
    • The mental health needs of pupils are met and supported by the school.

    Catch-Up at Kender Primary School is:

    (For all children)

    • Working through well sequenced, purposeful learning schemes.
    • Focus on consolidation of basic skills.
    • Additional lesson time on core teaching.
    • Particular focus on early reading and phonics.
    • Assessment of learning and of basic skills to identify major gaps.
    • Time spent on mental health, wellbeing and social skills development.

    (For some children)

    • Additional support and focus on basic core skills.
    • Additional time to practice basic skills.