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  • Resilience



    Health & Safety

    First Aid

    It is our responsibility to care for your children in school. The contact form is our way of locating you at home or at work. Please make sure you update this form, if you changed address or job. It is vital that we are able to contact you, a friend or relative. We are able to perform first aid, treat cuts and bruises, but for more serious illnesses, we will seek professional assistance. We do not apply creams or lotions in case of allergy. Grazes and cuts are bathed and, if necessary, dressed.

    If your child has an accident, they will be attended to by a Teaching Assistant and a standard letter is sent home with your child.

    We try to notify parents either by phone or letter if there has been a bump to the head or face.

    Please note that children who are considered fit enough to come to school will be expected to take part in all school activities, including swimming, PE and going out to play.

    Medicines & Illnesses

    While it is not our role to care for sick children who should be at home until they are well enough to return to school, we will agree to administer medication as part of maintaining their health and wellbeing or when they are recovering from an illness, subject to the health and safety of the school community. The Pupil Welfare Officer is responsible for ensuring that the parent consent form has been completed, that the medicine is stored correctly and that records are kept according to these procedures.

    If your child has a specific medical problem, please let us know so that we are aware of their special needs.