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  • Resilience




    We have clear expectations for behaviour at Kender Primary School and expect children and adults to follow the school rules and show the school values at all times. These expectations are the same both in the school and outside of the school.

    1. We show respect for others and our school
    2. We do our best learning, showing resilience
    3. We are always ready and take responsibility for our actions

    Kender is a caring and nurturing school and we treat each child as an individual. We expect that all children will abide by the values and behaviour principles, and to excel in their learning. However, we understand that at times children will face challenges. Some children will have an inner resilience to cope with these challenges. Other children will need extra support in order to cope with the demands of the school day, their home life and social interaction.

    Written statement of behaviour principles

    All children understand they have the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and to be able to learn free from the disruption of others.

    All children, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination.

    Staff and volunteers set an excellent example to children and each other at all times.

    Rewards, sanctions and reasonable force are used consistently by staff, in line with the behaviour policy.

    The behaviour policy is understood by children and staff.

    The suspensions and exclusions policy explains that suspensions will only be used as a last resort, and outlines the processes involved in suspensions and exclusions.

    Children are encouraged and helped to take responsibility for their actions.

    Families and carers are involved in the handling of behaviour incidents to foster good relationships between the school and children’s home life.

    The governing body also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.

    Pupils say that...'Kender is a happy and friendly place...they are listened to and they matter...bullying is not tolerated...staff support an understanding and appreciation of what is important at Kender: ‘The Kender 3 Rs – Respect, Resilience, Readiness.’ (Ofsted 2019)