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  • Resilience



    Educational Visits Policy


    Educational visits are activities arranged by or on behalf of the school, and which take place outside the school grounds. The governors and teaching staff believe that off-site activities can supplement and enrich the curriculum of the school by providing experiences which would otherwise be impossible. All off-site activities serve an educational purpose, enhancing and enriching our children’s learning experiences. 

    The aims of our off-site visits are to: 

    • enhance learning;
    • raise achievement by enhancing confidence and self-esteem; 
    • develop key skills such as collaboration, independence, teamwork, problem-solving and resilience, enabling learners to grow and progress in new learning environments; 
    • enhance curricular and recreational opportunities for our pupils, providing a wider range of experiences which could not be provided on the school site alone; 
    • promote healthy and active lifestyles; 
    • promote education for sustainable development.